Last update : 2017-01-09

Gene List

Symbol Synonym Name Local Linkage Origin Tester
Tri-D1a Triplet proteins 1DS[1870] Chinese Spring[1870]
Tri-D1b Triplet proteins 1DS[1870] India-115[1870]
Si-R1 Subtilisin inhibitor 2R,2RS[3599] S.cereale[1870] ADL: CS/Imperial,Holdfast/King-II[1870]
Si-B2 Subtilisin inhibitor 1BS[1870] SUL: Bersee{Koga-II}[1870]
Si-D2 Subtilisin inhibitor 1DS[1870] Koga-II[1870]
Si-R2 Subtilisin inhibitor 1R,1RS[1870] S.cereale[1870] ADL: CS/Imperial[1870]
Si-Sl2 Subtilisin inhibitor 1Sl[1870] Ae.longissima[1870] ADL: CS/AE.LO[1870]
Si-U2 Subtilisin inhibitor 1U[1870] Ae.umbellulata[1870] ADL: CS/AE.UM[1870]
Isa-A1 Inhibitor of a-amylase and subtilisin 2AL[1870]
Isa-A1a Inhibitor of a-amylase and subtilisin 2AL[1870] CS[1870]
Isa-A1b Inhibitor of a-amylase and subtilisin 2AL[1870] Cajeme-71[1870]
Isa-B1 Inhibitor of a-amylase and subtilisin 2BL[1870]
Isa-B1a Inhibitor of a-amylase and subtilisin 2BL[1870] CS[1870]
Isa-B1b Inhibitor of a-amylase and subtilisin 2BL[1870] Bihar[1870]
Isa-D1 Inhibitor of a-amylase and subtilisin 2DL[1870] CS[3599]
Ibf-A1 Iodine binding factor 5AL[1870]
Ibf-A1a Iodine binding factor 5AL[1870] CS[1870]
Ibf-A1b Iodine binding factor 5AL[1870] Cappelle Desprez[1870]
Ibf-A1c Iodine binding factor 5AL[1870] Hope[1870]
Ibf-A1d Iodine binding factor 5AL[1870] Chris[1870]