Last update : 2017-01-09

Gene List

Symbol Synonym Name Local Linkage Origin Tester
Eps-5BL.1 Earliness per se 5BL[3599]
Eps-5BL.2 Earliness per se 5BL[3599]
Fr-A2 Frost resistance 5A[3599] TR.MO[3599] G3116(frost tolerant), DV92(frost susceptible)[3599]
Gc1-C1 Gametocidal genes
w1 Recessive allele for reduced glaucousness/waxiness 2BS[3599] CV: Mentana(w1,w2),Salmon(w1,w2)[3599]
w2 Recessive allele for reduced glaucousness/waxiness CV: Mentana(w1,w2),Salmon(w1,w2)[3599]
Rg-A1a Red (brown/bronze/black) glumes colour 1AS[3599] White glumed genotypes,TRI-542,DV92,G2528[3599]
Rg-B1a Red (brown/bronze/black) glumes colour 1BS[3599] White glumed genotypes, TRI-542, TR.DS: MG-4343[3599]
Rg-D1a Red (brown/bronze/black) glumes colour 1DL,1DS6[3599] White glumed genotypes, Novosibirskaya-67, L-301[3599]
ha Grain hardness (hard phenotype) 5DS[3599] CV: Falcon,Holdfast,Early Blackhull,Cheyenne[3599].
Lvl1 Loaf volume 3A[3599] Cappelle Desprez*7/(3A)Bezostaya-1[3599]
pa Pubescent/hairy auricles 4BS[3599] CV(pa):Gabo, Saratovskaya-29[3599].
hs Hairy leaf sheath T.dicoccoides G7, most hexaploid wheats[3599]
hn Hairy node/pubescent node 5AL[3599] CV: Garnet,Kimmo,Pika,Timantii[3599]
Rht-A1a Reduced height. GA-insensitive Chinese Spring. All wheats are assumed to be monomorphic[3599].
su1 Herbicide response (chlortoluron sensitivity) 6B,6BS[3599] Chinese-Spring(su1),Poros(su1),B-7(su1)[3599].
AhasL-D1 Imi1[3599] Acetohydroxyacid synthase EC (Imidazolinone resistance) 6DL[3599] BW-755[3599]
AhasL-B1 Imi2[3599] Acetohydroxyacid synthase EC (Imidazolinone resistance) 6BL[3599] CDC-Teal-IMI-11A=PTA-3953[3599]
AhasL-A1 Imi3[3599] Acetohydroxyacid synthase EC (Imidazolinone resistance) 6AL[3599] CDC-Teal-IMI-15A[3599].
chr1 Hybrid chlorosis type 1 (red hybrid chlorosis) Secale cereale[3599] EC179178(chr1),EC179185(chr1)[3599].