Last update : 2017-01-09

Gene List

Symbol Synonym Name Local Linkage Origin Tester
apd1 Apical lethality
apd2 Apical lethality HD-2009,HW-2041, LOK-1[3599].
lg3 Liguleless (lack of ligules) 2A[3599] ANK-33. Present in all hexaploid cultivars[3599].
ms1g Male sterility hromosomal 4B,4BS[1870] Lanzhou Mutant 257A[3599].
Shw Sterility in hybrids with wheat
wtms1 Photoperiod and/or temperature-sensitive male sterility (PTGMS) 2B[3599]
wptms1 Photoperiod and/or temperature-sensitive male sterility (PTGMS) 5B[3599] Line-337S(wptms2)[3599].
wptms2 Photoperiod and/or temperature-sensitive male sterility (PTGMS) 2B[3599] Line-337A(wptms1)[3599].
Ltp Low temperature pairing
Ph1b Pairing homoeologous 5BL[3599] Sears' high pairing mutant[3599].
Ph1c Pairing homoeologous 5BL[3599] Cappelli ph1 mutant[3599].
nra Nitrate reductase activity Anza[3599].
or Osmoregulation (high) 7A,7AS[1870] CV(or): Chinese Spring,Condor,Songlen,Takari[1870]
Tc2 Phenol Colour Reaction of Kernels (tyrosinase in caryopsis) 2BL[3599] T. durum[3599]. Golden-Ball, SUL: Langdon*/(2B)Golden-Bal[3599].
ki Pollen killer 6BL[3599] Timstein, Gabo, Yalta [1870].
Nax1 Response to Salinity (sodium exclusion) 2AL[3599] P-06306, Line-149(Nax2),AUS-90382(Nax2)[3599]
Nax2 Response to Salinity (sodium exclusion) 5AL[3599] P-05603, Line-149(Nax1),AUS-90382(Nax1)[3599]
Vrn-A1b Response to vernalization 5AL[3599] Marquis(PI-94548),ST-36(TR.DR)[3599]
Vrn-A1c Response to vernalization 5AL[3599] Aldura,Mexicali-75,Minos,Leeds[3599].
Vrn-A1d Response to vernalization 5AL[3599] TR.DS: Amrim-34, FA-15, IRAQ-8736, Tabigha-15[3599].