Last update : 2017-01-09

Gene List

Symbol Synonym Name Local Linkage Origin Tester
GliD-D1 Locus of D-zone omega gliadin in T.aestivum L. 1D[1080] Gli-D1[1080] Ciano-67(GliD-D1a);Chopin(GliD-D1b);Dariys(GliD-D1c).
Ar1 Alkylresocinols content in grain 5AL[3599] Langdon(Ar1)[3599].
Fr2 Frost resistance 5DL[3599] SUL: CS*7/(5D)Cheyenne[3599]
Rht8g Reduced height. GA-sensitive 2D,2DL[3599] Associated with a 196-bp fragment of WMS261[3599]. CV:Mirleben[3599].
Rht8h Reduced height. GA-sensitive 2D,2DL[3599] Associated with a 206-bp fragment of WMS261[3599]. CV:Weihenstephan-M1[3599].
Rht21 Reduced height The existence of this gene was not confirmed[3599].
ms1d Male sterility hromosomal 4B,4BS[1870] CV: Mutant FS2[3599].
ms1e Male sterility hromosomal 4B,4BS[1870] CV: Mutant FS3[3599].
ms4 Male sterility hromosomal (dominant allele for sterility) 4DS[3599] CV:Konzaks male sterile[3599].
ms5 Male sterility hromosomal 3A[3599] CV: Mutant FS20[3599].
Glu-A1-1u X-type glutenins Bankuti-1201[3599].
Glu-D1-1m X-type glutenins 1DL[3599] MG-315[3599].
Glu-D4 Glutenin 1D[3599] J-24(Glu-D4a),PBW-154(Glu-D4b),NI-4(Glu-D4c)[3599].
Glu-D5 Glutenin 7D[3599] PBW-154(Glu-D5a),K-68(Glu-D5b)[3599].
Pinb-D1e Puroindolines and grain softness protein 5DS[2908] Gehun,Chiefkan,Canadian-Red[3599].
Pinb-D1f Puroindolines and grain softness protein 5DS[2908] Utac,Abissinia-AV-12.4[3599].
Pinb-D1g Puroindolines and grain softness protein 5DS[2908] Andrews[3599].
HstH1-A1 Histone H1 proteins 5AL[3599] CS[3599]
HstH1-B1 Histone H1 proteins 5BL[3599] CS[3599]
HstH1-D1 Histone H1 proteins 5DL[3599]