Last update : 2017-01-09

Gene List

Symbol Synonym Name Local Linkage Origin Tester
Gb Reaction to Schizaphis graminum Rond.(Toxoptera graminum Rond.)
Yr Reaction to Puccinia striiformis Westend.
Pm39 Reaction to Erysiphe graminis DC (Blumeria tritici). 1BL[3599] Lr46/Yr29(2.5 cM)[3599] Saar(Pm38)[3599]
1R(1B) Substitution 1B chromosome of wheat with 1R chromosome of rye Salzmunder St. 26-47[2830].
Xgwm261 WMS-261[3567] Microsatellite diagnostic locus for dwarfing genes 2D[2858];2DS[3488] Rht8(close)[2858]; Akakomugi(Rht8) neset WMS-261-192 bp, Saitama-27 (Rht1S) - WMS-261-165 bp, Norin-10 (Rht1,2)? - WMS-261-174 bp [3567].
Xpsp3000 Microsatellite locus linked with gene Yr10 1BS[2860] Yr10(1.2cM)[2860].
LrTt1 lrTt1[3599] Reaction to Puccinia recondita Rob.ex Desm. 2A[3599] T.timopheevi[3599] Line-842[3599]
ss1 Supernumerary spikelet (ear branching) 2A[2882] LYB(ss2,nr)[2882]
ss2 Supernumerary spikelet (ear branching) 4A[2882] LYB(ss1,nr)[2882]
Nr Ingibitor of supernumerary spikelet (ear branching) 2D[2882] LYB(ss1,ss2,nr)[2882];Chinese-Spring(SS1,SS2,Nr)
H30 Reaction to Mayetiola destructor (Say) Acph-U1[3599] Ae.triuncialis[2908] TR-3531[2908]
Hl2 Hairy leaf 7BS[3599] HONG-MANG-MAI[3599];Chinese Spring(hl1,hl2)[3599].
Rht8i Reduced height. GA-sensitive 2D,2DL[2908] Associated with a 180-bp fragment of WMS261[2908]. Madison[2908]
Rht8j Reduced height. GA-sensitive 2D,2DL[2908] Associated with a 198-bp fragment of WMS261[2908] TAM-200[2908]
Rht8k Reduced height. GA-sensitive 2D,2DL[2908] Associated with a 200-bp fragment of WMS261[2908]. Tiritea[2908]
Rht8l Reduced height. GA-sensitive 2D,2DL[2908] Associated with a 204-bp fragment of WMS261[2908]. Pioneer-2550, Pioneer-2545, Pioneer-2737W[2908].
Glu-B1-1 X-type glutenins 1BL[3599]
Glu-B1-2 Y-type glutenins 1BL[3599]
Glu-D1-1 X-type glutenins 1DL[3599]
Glu-D1-2 Y-type glutenins 1DL[3599]