Last update : 2017-01-09

Gene List

Symbol Synonym Name Local Linkage Origin Tester
Vp-1B Vp-B1[3599] Dormancy Seed. Vivipary 3BL[3599]
Vp-1A Vp-A1[3599] Dormancy Seed. Vivipary 3AL[3599]
Vp-1D Vp-D1[3599] Dormancy Seed. Vivipary 3DL[3599]
QEl.ocs-5A.1 Ear length 5AL[3599] CS(TR.SP 5A)/CS(Cappelle-Desprez 5A)[3599]
ar1 Alkylresocinols content in grain 5AL[3599] Ardente(ar1)[3599].
alt1 Aluminium tolerance ES3=Carazinho/4*Egret(alt1)[3599]
Pp3a Purple pericarp 2A[3599] Purple K49426(Pp1)[3599]
Pp3b Pp2[3599] Purple pericarp 2A[3599] Purple Feed[3599]
hd Hooded (awns) 4AS[3599] SUL: Chinese Spring*6/(4A)Hope,Chinese Spring*5/(4A)Thatcher,Chinese Spring*6/(4A)Timstein[3599].
b2 Inhibitor of awns. Tipped 2 6BL[3599] SUL: Chinese Spring*6/(6B)Hope,Chinese Spring*5/(6B)Thatcher,Chinese Spring*9/(6B)Timstein[3599]
Br4 Brittle rachis 2A[3599] TR.DS[3599]
cdu1 Low cadmium uptake 5BL[3599] CV: Kofa,Kyle[3599].
cn-A1d Chlorina 7A[3599] CDd6[3599]
cl Cleistogamous Flowering in Durums Cleistogamous genotypes clcl: HI8332; WH880[3599]
Cl Cleistogamous Flowering in Durums Chasmogamous genotypes ClCl: IWP5308; PWB34; WH872[3599]
Kr1 Crossability with Rye and Hordeum spp. 5BL[3599] CV: Marquis(Kr1,Kr2), Peragis(Kr1,Kr2), Blausamtiger Kolben(Kr1,kr2)[3599].
Kr2 Crossability with Rye and Hordeum spp. 5A,5AL[3599] CV: Marquis(Kr1,Kr2),Peragis(Kr1,Kr2)[3599].
Kr3 Crossability with Rye and Hordeum spp. 5D[3599]
Kr4 Crossability with Rye and Hordeum spp. 1A[3599]
Eps-1Am Eps-Am1[3599] Earliness per se 3AL[3599] TR.MO: DV92(allele for late flowering), G3116(early flowering)[3599]