Last update : 2017-01-09

Gene List

Symbol Synonym Name Local Linkage Origin Tester
SuPm8 Supressor of Pm8 1AS[1870];7D[1938] Gli-A1a[1870] CS,Florida,Heinrich,Ikarus,Olymp,Sabina[1870]
Tc1 Phenol Colour Reaction of Kernels (tyrosinase in caryopsis) 2AL[1676] T. durum[1676]. Golden-Ball, SUL: Langdon*/(2A)TR.DS[3599].
Gli-Rm1 Gliadin 1RmS[3599] S. montanum[3599]. ADL:CS/SE.MO[1870]
kr3 Crossability with Rye and Hordeum spp. 5D[3599] J-11(kr1,kr2,kr3,kr4)[3599].
Ti-A2 Trypsin inhibition 5AL[3599] CS[1870]
Ti-Agi2 Trypsin inhibition 5Agi[3599] Ag. intermedium[3599]. ADL: Vilmorin-27/AG.IN[1870]
Ti-B2 Trypsin inhibition 5BL[3599] CS[1870]
Ti-D2 Trypsin inhibition 5DL[3599]
Ti-D2a Trypsin inhibition 5DL[3599] CS[1870]
Ti-D2b Trypsin inhibition 5DL[3599] Champlein[1870]
Ti-D2c Trypsin inhibition 5DL[3599] Synthetic[1870]
Gli-V1 Gliadin 1V[3599] D. villosum[3599]. ADL: CS/D.villosum,Creso/D.villosum[1870]
Ti-Mt2 Trypsin inhibition 5Mt[3599] Ae. mutica[3599]. ADL: CS/AE.MU[1870]
Ti-R1 Trypsin inhibition 3R[3599] S. cereal[3599]. ADL: CS/Imperial[1870]
Ti-R2 Trypsin inhibition 5RL[3599] S. cereale[3599]. ADL: CS/Imperial,CS/King-II[1870]
Ti-Sl2 Trypsin inhibition 5SlL[3599] Ae. sharonensis[3599]. ADL: CS/Ae.sharonensis[1870]
Ti-U2 Trypsin inhibition 1U[3599] Ae. umbellulata[3599]. ADL: CS/AE.UM[1870]
Tpi-A1 Triosephosphate isomerase 3AS[3599] Chinese Spring[1870]
Tpi-A2 Triosephosphate isomerase 5AL[3599] Chinese Spring[1870]
Nor-B1b Nucleolus organizer regions 1BS[3599] CV:Olympic,Robin,Shortim[1870].