Last update : 2017-01-09

Gene List

Symbol Synonym Name Local Linkage Origin Tester
Qsev.mgb-7A Sedimentation Value 7BS[1977]
Sgp-B1d Starch granule protein 7BS[1870] Waratah[1870]
Sgp-B1b Starch granule protein 7BS[1870] K-79[1870]
Sgp-B3a Starch granule protein 7BS[1870] CS[1870]
Sgp-B3 Starch granule protein 7BS[1870]
Sgp-B3b Starch granule protein 7BS[1870] Crest[1870]
Sgp-B3c Starch granule protein 7BS[1870] Spica[1870]
Sgp-B1a Starch granule protein 7BS[1870] CS[1870]
Sgp-B1 Starch granule protein 7BS[1870]
Sgp-B1c Starch granule protein 7BS[1870] Gnatruche[1870]
Pp1 Purple pericarp 7BL[3599];6A[3599] Tetraploid wheats[3599] NIL:Saratovskaya-29*8/(AUS)Purple(Pp2)[3599];Purple K49426(Pp3a)[3599]
SbeI2 Starch branching enzyme I 7BL[3599] Chinese-Spring[3599]
Bo1 Boron tolerance 7BL[3599] CV:Carnamah; Frame; Krichauff; Yitpi; Halberd(Bo1,Bo2,Bo3)[3599].
Cn-B1 Chlorina 7BL[3599] CV: Chinese Spring[3599]
Sd2 Gametocidal gene 7BL[3599] Thinopyrum elongatum[3599] 88M22-149[3599].
P2 Elongated glume 7BL[3599] LD222*7/TR.PO[3599]
Ep-B1 Ep1[3599] Endopeptidase 7BL[3599]
Lr14ab Reaction to Puccinia recondita Rob.ex Desm. 7BL[3599] NIL:Lr14a/6*Thatcher//Lr14b/6*Thatcher[1870]
Ep-B1a Endopeptidase 7BL[3599] Chinese Spring[1870]
Lr14b Reaction to Puccinia recondita Rob.ex Desm. 7BL[3599] T.aestivum[1744] NIL:RL-6006,RL-6056[1484];Bowie(Lr3),Maria-Escobar(Lr17),Rafaela(Lr17)[1870]