Last update : 2017-01-09

Refer List

# Source
4,278 Sivasamy M., Jayaprakash P., Vikas V.K. et al. Pyramiding Thinopyrum ponticum-derived linked rust resistance genes Lr24/Sr24 and Triticum timopheevii-derived linked genes Sr36/Pm6 for developing multiple and durable disease resistant wheat varieties //Nilgiri Wheat News. 2014. V. 6 (1): 1-7.
4,279 Tomar S.M.S., Menon M.K. Adult plant response of near-isogenic lines and stocks of wheat carrying specific Lr genes against leaf rust //Indian Phytopath. 1998. V.51 (1): 61-67.
4,280 Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), Regional Station, Wellington //Ann. Wheat Newslett. 2010. V. 56: 80-95.
4,281 Arora A., Kundu S., Dilbaghi N. et al. Population structure and genetic diversity among Indian wheat varieties using microsatellite (SSR) markers //Australian J. Crop Sci. 2014. V. 8 (9): 1281-1289.
4,282 Pawar S.K., Kumar P., Duhan J.S. et al. Characterization of adult plant leaf rust resistance gene Lr34 in Indian wheat genotypes using STS marker //J. Wheat Res. 2013. V. 5 (1): 15-20.
4,283 Balazs G., Harasztos A., Szendi Sz. et al. Complex quality characterization of Hungarian wheat cultivars //Proc. 11th Int. Gluten Workshop, Beijing, China, August 12-15, 2012. P. 162-165.
4,284 Sivasamy M., Jayaprakash P., Vikas V.K. et al. A high yielding multiple disease resistant wheat variety HW 5207 carrying Lr24/Sr24, Sr2 and Yr15 released as COW3 //Nilgiris Wheat News. 2014. V. 6 (3): 2-8.
4,285 Niu Z., Klindworth D.L., Yu G. et al. Development and characterization of wheat lines carrying stem rust resistance gene Sr43 derived from Thinopyrum ponticum //Theor. Appl. Genet. 2014. V. 127: 969-980.
4,286 Самофалова Н.Е., Копусь М.М., Иличкина Н.П. и др. Новые сорта озимой твердой пшеницы и особенности их семеноводства. Рукопись. 2014
4,287 Wang Z.L., Li L.H., He Z.H. et al. Seedling and adult plant resistance to powdery mildew in Chinese Bread Wheat Cultivars and Lines //Plant Dis. 2005. V. 89: 457-463.
4,288 Ren Xiao-li, Liu Tai-guo, Liu Bo, Gao Li, Chen Wan-quan. Postulation of seedling leaf rust resistance genes in 84 Chinese winter wheat cultivars //J. Integrative Agriculture. 2015. Doi:10.1016/S2095-3119(14)61002-9
4,289 Vleet S.V., Carter P. Spring wheat breeder variety portfolio. 2015.
4,290 Vleet S.V., Carter P. Winter wheat breeder variety portfolio. 2015.
4,291 Шепелев С.С. Селекционно-генетические аспекты создания сортов яровой мягкой пшеницы нового покаления. - Дисс. канд. с.-х. наук. Омск, 2014.
4,292 Mishra A.N., Kumar A., Joshi A.K. et al. Seedling resistance test //Mehtaensis. 2013. V. 33 (2): 6-16.
4,293 Zaika E.V., Karelov A.V., Kozub N.O. et al. Analysis of Ukrainian Polissya and Forest-steppe winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars for the presence of "resistant" allelic state of non-race-specific disease resistance locus Lr34/Yr18/Pm38 //Ekin J. Crop Breeding and Genetics. 2015. V. 1 (1): 13-16.
4,294 Ozturk I., Babaoglu M., Avci R., Tuna B. Variety of Bread Wheat "Aldane"//Ekin J. Crop Breeding and Genetics. 2015. V. 1 (1): 74.
4,295 Ozturk I., Babaoglu M., Avci R., Tuna B. Variety of Bread Wheat "Selimiye" //Ekin J. Crop Breeding and Genetics. 2015. V. 1 (1): 74-75.
4,296 Karelov A.V., Pirko Ya.V.,Kozub N.A. et al. Identification of the Allelic State of the Lr34 Leaf Rust Resistance Gene in Soft Winter Wheat Cultivars Developed in Ukraine //Цитология и генетика. 2011. Т. 45 (5): 3-10.
4,297 Давоян Э.Р., Беспалова Л.А., Давоян Р.О. и др. Использование молекулярных маркеров в селекции пшеницы на устойчивость к бурой ржавчине в Краснодарском НИИСХ им. П.П. Лукьяненко //Вавилов. ж. генет. селекции. 2014. Т. 18 (4/1): 732-737.