Last update : 2017-01-09

Refer List

# Source
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4,299 Galaev A.V., Sivolap Yu.M. Description of the Soft Wheat Varietiesof Ukrainian and Russian Breeding by Alleles of Locus csLV34Closely Connected with Multipathogen Resistance Gene Lr34/Yr18/Pm38 //Cytology Genetics. 2015. V. 49 (1): 13-19. DOI: 10.3103/S0095452715010041
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4,304 Fuentes-Davila G., Figueroa-Lopez P., Camacho-Casas M.A. et al. Characteristics and description of phenotypic components of Quetchehueca Oro C2013 a new durum wheat cultivar for southern Sonora, Mexico //Annual Wheat Newslett. 2014. V. 60: 28-32.
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4,312 Nilsen K. Genetic Analysis of Leaf and Stripe Rust Resistance in the Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cross RL4452/AC Domain. - A Thesis For the Degree of Master of Science. University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon. 2013.
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4,314 Priyamvada, Tiwari R., Saharan M.S. et al. STS marker based tracking of slow rusting Lr34 gene in Indian wheat genotypes //Indian J. Biotechnilogy. 2009. V. 8: 207-213.
4,315 Kubba A.J.I. A new semidwarf cultivar "Uruq" developed from irradiated stored seeds of soft wheat cv."Inia-66"//Ekin J. Crop Breed and Genetics. 2015. V. 1 (2): 38-42.
4,316 Moldovan V., Kadar R. ANDRADA - a new winter wheat cultivar //Annual Wheat Newslett. 2013. V. 59: 128
4,317 2002-2003 Cereal Rust Survey Annual Report/ Plant Breeding Institute Cobbity. The University of Sydney. 12 p.