Last update : 2017-01-09

Refer List

# Source
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4,360 Snijders C.H.A. Diallel analysis of resistance to head blight caused by Fusarium culmorum in winter wheat //Euphytica. 1990. V. 50: 1-9.
4,361 Wheat variety releases 1994-2014 by Mina Lantican.
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4,363 Hristov N., Mladenov N., Jockovic B. et al. High Molecular Weight (HMW) Glutenin Subunit Composition of NS Wheat Cultivars Released in 1987-2008 //Ratar. Povrt. 2013. V. 50 (3): 29-36.
4,364 Fossati D., Brabant C., Kleijer G. Yield, protein content, bread making quality and market requirements of wheat //61.Tagung der Vereinigung der Pflanzenzuchter und Saatgutkaufleute Osterreichs. 2010, p. 179-182.
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4,368 Польопривредни Институт Републике Српске, Баньа Лука. Районированные сорта и гибриды.
4,369 Horvat D.,Drezner G., Simic G. et all. Quality of wheat cultivars created at the Agricultural Institute Osijek in relation to high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW - GS) composition //Period. Biol. 2008. V. 110 (2): 1-6.
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4,371 Purnhauser L.,Bona L.,Lang L.Identification of Sr31 and Sr36 stem rust resistance genes in wheat cultivars registered in Hungary //Cer. Res. Comm. 2011. V. 39 (1): 53-66.
4,372 2016 Winter Wheat Varieties. Performance Evaluation and Recommendations (for Montana).
4,373 Каталог сортов пшеницы селекции Курганского НИИСХ. Курган, 2016. 40 с.
4,374 Catalogue of the wheat varieties released in Uzbekistan. Tashkent,015.
4,375 Mwale V.M., Tang X., Chilembwe E. Assessment of genetic diversity among sixty bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars using microsatellite markers //African J. Biotechnology. 2016. V. 15(21): 960-963.
4,376 Jiang P., Zhang P.P., Zhang X., Ma H.X. Genetic contribution of Ningmai 9 wheat to its derivatives evaluated by using SNP markers //Int. J. Genomics. 2016.
4,377 Gulyas G., Bognar Z., Lang L. et al. Distribution of dwarfing genes (Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b) in Martonvasar wheat breeding materials //Acta Agronomica Hungarica. 2011. V. 59 (3): 249-254.