Last update : 2017-01-09

Refer List

# Source
249 Registration of Prospect wheat //Crop Sci. 1990. Vol. 30 (1): 233-234.
248 Registration of Vance wheat //Crop Sci. 1990. Vol. 30 (3): 749.
247 Registration of Minupro wheat //Crop Sci. 1990. Vol. 30 (3): 748-749.
246 Kolster P., Krechting C.F., van Gelder W.M.J. Variation in high molecular weight glutenin subunits of Triticum aestivum and T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides //Euphytica. 1988. Supplement: 141-145.
245 Registration of Redland wheat //Crop Sci. 1989. Vol. 29 (2): 491.
244 Registration of Cody wheat //Crop Sci. 1989. Vol. 29 (2): 490-491.
243 Registration of Keiser wheat //Crop Sci. 1989. Vol. 29 (2): 490.
242 Registration of Renville durum wheat //Crop Sci. 1989. Vol. 29 (5): 1329-1330.
241 Registration of five spring wheat germplasm lines with improved resistance to common root rot //Crop Sci. 1989. Vol. 29 (4): 1100-1101.
240 Registration of a hard red winter wheat germplasm with improved resistance to Septoria nodorum and S.tritici //Crop Sci. 1989. Vol. 29 (4): 1099-1100.
239 Registration of BW-597 Sawffy-resistant hard red spring wheat germplasm //Crop Sci. 1989. Vol. 29 (4): 1097.
238 Registration of Century wheat //Crop Sci. 1989. Vol. 29 (4): 1093-1094.
237 Registration of TXGH-10563B, TXGH-10989 and TXGH-13622 Greenresistant wheat germplasm lines //Crop Sci. 1989. Vol. 29 (6): 1585-1586.
236 Registration of Scotty wheat //Crop Sci. 1989. Vol. 29 (6): 1576.
235 Registration of Madsen wheat //Crop Sci. 1989. Vol. 29 (6): 1575.
234 Registration of Clark wheat //Crop Sci. 1988. Vol. 28 (6): 1032.
233 Zeven A.C. Landraces and improved cultivars of bread wheat and other wheat types grown in the Netherlands up to 1944 //Wageningen Agricultural University Papers. Wageningen. 1990. 90-2. 103 p.
232 Бекназарян Л.Г. Распределение генов гибридной карликовости у короткостебельных сортов T. aestivum //Сб. тр. Ин-та земледелия. Сер. Пшеница. Эчмиадзин. 1976. N 2: 87-99.
231 Бекназарян Л.Г., Бабаджанян Г.А. Летальные гены у низкостебельных сортов T. durum. Гены некроза, хлороза и гибридной карликовости //Сб. тр. Ин-та земледелия. Сер. Пшеница. Эчмиадзин. 1975. N 2: 47-51.
230 Riede C.R., Williams N.D.,Miller J.D. Inheritance of resistance tostem rust in the wheat cultivar Estanzuela Dakuru //Crop Sci. 1985. Vol. 25 (4): 623-626.