Last update : 2017-01-09

Refer List

# Source
3,950 Varieties of grain crops 2012; 2013. Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture (www/
3,949 Xiyong Cheng, Haixia Xu, Zhongdong D. et al. Genetic evolution andutilization of wheat germplasm resources in Huanghuai winter wheat region of China //Pak. J. Bot. 2012. Vol. 44 (1): 281-288.
3,948 Mandic D., Durasinovic G., Savic B. et al. Nova Bosanka - new variety of winter wheat //Genetika. 2011. Vol. 43 (3): 569-574.
3,947 Alvaro F., Isidro J., Villegas D. Old and modern durum wheat varieties from Italy and Spain differ in main spike components //Field Crops Research. 2008. V. 106: 86-93.
3,946 Shackley B., Ellis S., Zaicou-Kunesch C. Wheat Variety Guide for WA 2011. Bulletin 4821. March 2011.
3,945 Sun Y.W., Jones H.D., Yang Y. et al. Haplotype analysis of Viviparous-1 gene in CIMMYT elite bread wheat germplasm //Euphytica. Published online: 05 August 2011.
3,944 Чеботарь С.В. Аллельная характеристика генов короткостебельности вгенетическом пуле сортов озимой мягкой пшеницы Украины //Генетичн. ресурси рослин. 2008. №6: 96-103.
3,943 Hussain F. Postulation of rust resistance genes in wheat germplasmand improvement of rust resistance in Inqilab91 through marker assisted selection. 2009. The University of Sydney Plant Breeding Institute
3,942 Rouse M.N., Olson E.L., Gill B.S. et al. Stem rust resistance in Aegilops tauschii germplasm //Crop Science. 2011. V. 51 (5): 2074-2078.
3,941 Guedira M., Brown-Guedira G., Van Sanford D. et al. Distribution of Rht genes in modern and historic winter wheat germplasm from the Eastern and Central USA (Table 1 and 2) //Crop Science. 2010. V. 50 (5): 1811-1822.
3,940 Chrpova J., Sip V., Stockova L. Resistance of Winter Wheat Varieties Registered in the Czech Republic to Fusarium Head Blight in Relation to the Presence of Specific Rht Alleles //Czech J. Genet. Plant Breed. 2010. V. 46 (3): 122-134.
3,939 Yang S., Liu S. Distribution and genetic analysis of dwarfing geneRht-D1b in Chinese bread wheat cultivars and lines //Wheat Inf. Serv. 2006. 102: 5-25 (
3,938 Sip V., Chrpova J., Zofajova A. et al. Evidence of selective changes in winter wheat in middle-European environments reflected by allelic diversity at loci affecting plant height and photoperiodic response //J. Agricultural Sci. 2011. V. 149: 313-326.
3,937 Technical Report Colorado State Agricultural Experiment Station. TR07-11. May 2007.
3,936 Fofana B., Humphreys G., Rasul G. et al. Assessment of molecular diversity at QTLs for preharvest sproutung resistance in wheat using microsatellite markers //Genome. 2008. V. 51: 375-386.
3,935 Goertzen K. et al. G1323 hard white winter wheat. U.S. Patent 5498829. 1996.
3,934 Description of winter wheat varieties in eastern Colorado trials (up to 2011).
3,933 Purnhauser L., Fonad P., Kotai E. et al. Disease resistance of Hungarian and Romanian wheat cultivars observed by field and laboratory methods (
3,932 Fox S.L., DePauw R.M., Humphreys D.G. et al. Canadian initiatives in breeding for stem rust resistance to race Ug99 and variants. - Proceedings Borlaug Global Rust Initiative 2011 Technical Workshop June 13-16 Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA. P. 121-126.
3,931 Сорта и гибриды сельскохозяйственных культур селекции Казахского научно_исследовательского института земледелия и растениеводства, допущенные к использованию в Казахстане и странах Ближнего Зарубежья. Каталог. Астана, 2010