Last update : 2017-01-09

Refer List

# Source
3,930 Taylor G.J., Basu A., Basu U. et al. AI-lnduced, 51-Kilodalton, Membrane-Bound Proteins Are Associated with Resistance to Al in a Segregating Population of Wheat //Plant Physiol. 1997. Vol. 114: 363-372.
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3,928 Park C.S., Kang C.S., Jeung J.U. et al. Influence of allelic variation in glutenin on the quality of pan bread and white salted noodles made from Korean wheat cultivars//Euphytica. 2011. Vol. 180: 235-250.
3,927 Yanagisawa A., Nishimura T., Amano Y. et al. Development of winterwheat with excellent resistance to pre-harvest sprouting and rain damage //Euphytica. 2005. Vol. 143: 313-318.
3,926 Goyeau H., Lannou Ch. Specific resistance to leaf rust expressed at the seedling stage in cultivars grown in France from 1983 to 2007 //Euphytica. 2011. Vol. 178: 45-62.
3,925 Feng-qi L.I., HAN De-jun, WEI Guo-rong et al. Molecular Detection of Stripe Rust Resistant Genes in 126 Winter Wheat Varieties from the Huanghuai Wheat Region //Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2008. Vol. 41 (10): 3060-3069.
3,924 McCallum B.D., Humphreys D.G., Somers D.J. et al. Allelic variation for the rust resistance gene Lr34/Yr18 in Canadian wheat cultivars //Euphytica. 2012. Vol. 183 (2): 261-274.
3,923 Pretorius Z.A., Jin Y., Bender C.M. et al. Seedling resistance to stem rust race Ug99 and marker analysis for Sr2, Sr24 and Sr31 in South African wheat cultivars and lines //Euphytica. 2011. Published online: 17 June 2011.
3,922 Abrinbana M., Mozafari J., Shams-bakhsh M. et al. Resistance spectra of wheat genotypes and virulence patterns of Mycosphaerella graminicola isolates in Iran //Euphytica. Published online: 28 Sept. 2011.
3,921 McIntosh R.A., Dubcovsky J., Rogers W.J. et al. Catalogue of genesymbols for wheat: 2010 Supplement //Ann. Wheat Newslett. 2010. Vol. 56: 273-282.
3,920 McIntosh R.A., Dubcovsky J., Rogers W.J. et al. Catalogue of genesymbols for wheat: 2011 Supplement //Ann. Wheat Newslett. 2011. Vol. 57: 311-321.
3,919 Tommasini L., Schnurbusch T., Fossati D. et al. Association mapping of Stagonospora nodorum blotch resistance in modern European winter wheat varieties //Theor. Appl. Genet. 2007. V. 115: 697-708.
3,918 Yoshida T. Wheat parents data file name, komugikin2.txt 2008.1.21.(
3,917 Xia L.Q., Ganal M.W., Shewry P.R. et al. Exploiting the diversity of Viviparous-1 gene associated with pre-harvest sprouting tolerance in European wheat varieties //Euphytica. 2008. V. 159: 411-417.
3,916 Matus-Cadiz M.A., Pozniak C.J., Hucl P.J. et al. Puroindoline allele diversity in Canadian and northern US hard spring wheat varieties differing in kernel hardness //Can. J. Plant Sci. 2008. V. 88: 873-883.
3,915 Knox R.E., DePauw R.M., Clarke J.M. et al. Alvena hard red spring wheat //Can. J. Plant Sci. 2008. V. 88 (3): 513-518.
3,914 DePauw R.M., Knox R.E., Clarke J.M. et al. Snowhite475 hard white spring wheat //Can. J. Plant Sci. 2007. V. 87 (4): 895-900.
3,913 Fox S.L., Humphreys D.G., Brown P.D. et al. KANE hard red spring wheat //Can. J. Plant Sci. 2007. V. 87 (4): 889-894.
3,912 Fox S.L., Townley-Smith T.F., Kolmer J. et al. AC Splendor hard red spring wheat //Can. J. Plant Sci. 2007. V. 87 (4): 883-887.
3,911 Humphreys D.G., Townley-Smith T.F., Czarnecki E. et al. Kanata hard white spring wheat //Can. J. Plant Sci. 2007. V. 87 (4): 879-882.