Last update : 2017-01-09

Refer List

# Source
320 Kosner J. Intentional chromosome substitution in wheat by means ofmonosomic analysis //Scientia agriculturae bohemoslovaca. 1987. Vol. 19 (3): 151-158.
321 Sasek A., Kubanek J., Cerny J., Hauser K., Krautova E. Electrophoretic characteristics of gliadins and HMW sub-units of glutenins of prospective new varieties of common wheat //Scientia agriculturae bohemoslovaca. 1987. Vol. 19 (3): 159-167.
322 Cerny J., Sasek A., Kubanek J., Sykorova S.Identifikace odrud psenice obecne soubeznou elektroforezou gliadinu a podjednotek gluteninu s vysokou molekulovou hmotnosti //Genet. a slecht. 1989. Vol. 25 (2): 125-132.
323 Bedi R., Nagarajan S., Tiwari V., Vij R. Genetical analysis of twobread wheat selections for resistance to leaf rust //J. of Plant Diseases and Protection. 1988. Vol. 95 (4): 347-351.
324 Lowry J.R.,Sammons D.J.,Baenziger P.S.,Moseman J.G. Identificationand characterization of the gene conditioning powdery mildew resistance in Amigo wheat //Crop Sci. 1984. Vol. 24 (1): 129-132.
325 Registration of Owens wheat //Crop Sci. 1984. Vol. 24 (1): 210-211.
326 Registration of McKay wheat //Crop Sci. 1984. Vol. 24 (1): 211.
327 Registration of Lloyd wheat //Crop Sci. 1984. Vol. 24 (2): 386.
328 Registration of MD-286 wheat germplasm //Crop Sci. 1984. Vol. 24 (2): 391-392.
329 Registration of Wheeler wheat //Crop Sci.1984. Vol. 24 (4): 826-827.
330 Registration of Tyler wheat //Crop Sci. 1984. Vol. 24 (4): 827.
331 Registration of Anza wheat //Crop Sci. 1984. Vol. 24 (4): 827-828.
332 Registration of four hard red winter wheat germplasm lines //Crop Sci. 1984. Vol. 24 (4): 831-832.
333 Registration of Tamex wheat //Crop Sci. 1982. Vol. 22 (1): 161.
334 Registration of Auburn wheat //Crop Sci. 1982. Vol. 22 (1): 161-162.
335 Registration of Dawn wheat //Crop Sci. 1982. Vol. 22 (1): 162.
336 Registration of Rita wheat //Crop Sci. 1982. Vol. 22 (1): 162.
337 Registration of Texred wheat //Crop Sci. 1982. Vol. 22 (3): 689-690.
338 Registration of Maverick wheat //Crop Sci. 1982. Vol. 22 (3): 690.
339 Registration of Crestone wheat //Crop Sci. 1982. Vol. 22 (3): 690.