Last update : 2017-01-09

Refer List

# Source
429 Registration of 11 germplasm lines wheats //Crop Sci. 1978. Vol. 18 (3): 531.
428 Registration of Riley and Riley-67 wheats //Crop Sci. 1978. Vol. 18 (3): 528.
427 Registration of Benhur wheat //Crop Sci. 1978. Vol. 18 (3): 527-528.
426 Registration of Redcoat wheat //Crop Sci. 1978. Vol. 18 (3): 527.
425 Registration of Knox-62 wheat //Crop Sci. 1978. Vol. 18 (3): 527.
424 Registration of Reed wheat //Crop Sci. 1978. Vol. 18 (3): 526-527.
423 Registration of Monon wheat //Crop Sci. 1978. Vol. 18 (3): 526.
422 Registration of nine germplasm lines of hard red winter wheats //Crop Sci. 1978. Vol. 18 (1): 166.
421 Fiches descriptives provisoires des nouvelles varietes de cereales. Annee 1977. Versailles: INRA. 1977. 42 p.
420 Fiches descriptives provisoires des nouvelles varietes de cereales. Annee 1976. Versailles: INRA. 1976. 26 p.
419 Fiches descriptives provisoires des nouvelles varietes de cereales. Annee 1975. Versailles: INRA. 1975. 32 p.
418 Fiches descriptives provisoires des nouvelles varietes de cereales. Annee 1974. Versailles: INRA. 1974. 26 p.
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416 Mashiringwani N.A. Response of flour quality of wheat to growing conditions in Zimbabwe //Cereal Research Communications. 1990. Vol. 18 (1-2): 51-57.
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