Last update : 2017-01-09

Refer List

# Source
369 List of cultivars //Mutation Breeding Newsletter. 1991. N 37: 41-43.
368 Stebbins N.B., Patterson F.L., Gallin R.L. Inheritance of resistance of PI-94587 wheat to biotypes B and D of Hessian fly //Crop Sci. 1983. Vol. 23 (2): 251-253.
367 Oellermann C.M., Patterson F.L., Gallin R.L. Inheritance of resistance in Luso wheat to Hessian fly //Crop Sci. 1983. Vol. 23 (2): 221-224.
366 Registration of Massey wheat //Crop Sci. 1984. Vol. 24 (5): 1000.
365 Stebbins N.B., Patterson F.L., Gallin R.L. Interrelationships among wheat genes H3, H6, H9, and H10 for Hessian fly resistance //Crop Sci. 1982. Vol. 22 (5): 1029-1032.
364 Statler G.D. Probable genes for leaf rust resistance in several hard red spring wheat //Crop Sci. 1984. Vol. 24 (5): 883-886.
363 Registration of greenbug and Hessian fly resistant wheat germplasm//Crop Sci. 1982. Vol. 22 (5): 1089.
362 Registration of Agassiz wheat //Crop Sci. 1984. Vol. 24 (5): 1000.
361 Registration of Wheaton wheat //Crop Sci. 1984. Vol. 24 (3): 622.
360 Registration of Sterling wheat //Crop Sci. 1984. Vol. 24 (3): 621-622.
359 Registration of Stella and Ella common wheat germplasm lines //Crop Sci. 1982. Vol. 22 (4): 902-903.
358 Wei Yimin. Wachstumsbiologische Untersuchungen an deutschen und chinesischen Weizensorten //Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades (Dr. agr.) bei Fachbereich Agrarwissenschaften der Justus-Liebig-Universitet Giessen. 97 S.
357 Registration of nine spring wheat germplasm lines with improved resistance to common root rot //Crop Sci. 1984. Vol. 24 (6): 1222-1223.
356 Registration of cereal leaf beetle resistant soft red winter wheatgermplasm //Crop Sci. 1984. Vol. 24 (6): 1221- 1222.
355 Registration of male fertility restoration wheat germplasm //Crop Sci. 1984. Vol. 24 (6): 1220-1221.
354 Registration of two hessian fly resistant hard red winter wheat germplasm //Crop Sci. 1984. Vol. 24 (6): 1220.
353 Registration of Guard wheat //Crop Sci. 1984. Vol. 24 (6): 1215.
352 Registration of NB-320 red spring wheat germplasm //Crop Sci. 1982. Vol. 22 (6): 1278.
351 Registration of one disomic substitution line and five translocation lines of winter wheat germplasm to wheat streak mosaic virus //Crop Sci. 1982. Vol. 22 (6): 1277-1278.
350 Registration of Hill-81 wheat //Crop Sci. 1982. Vol. 22 (6): 1266.